1.What are different components in form 4.5 designer ?
2.What is canvas ?
3.Is it possible to move an object from one form to another?
4.What is block menu? Describe its usage.
5.Give usage of following runform options - array = value , block_menu = value , buffer_records,debug,debug_messages,help,interactive,keyin,keyout,logon_screen,optimizeSQL,optimizetp,options_screen,pecs, query_only, quiet,session, statistics, term, window_state
6.What runform option should be used if screen input is to be suppressed and output is to be sent to a file?
7.What is the usage of following forms generate options ? - add_triggers, batch, crt_file, debug, delete, extract, generate_on_upgrate, help, insert, logon, module_access, module_type, nofail, options_screen, output_file, parse, script, statistics, upgrade, upgrade_roles, version, widen_files
8.What is the usage of following forms designer options ? - color mode,color palette, generate before run,module access, help, module_type,run asysnchronously,print,save before generate, suppress hints,term,use system editor
9.What is user preferences file ?
10.What are various types of an item ?
11.What functions are used to display an lov programmatically ?
12.Differentiate between content & stacked canvases.
13.What are different type of items in forms 4.5 ? List atlas 5 types. E.g. Text_item
14.List down the file extensions used in forms 4.5 ? E.g. .fmb etc
15.How do you reuse an item across different form modules ?
16.How do you define public & private variables in forms 4.5 ?
17.Can you define a master-detail relationship between two blocks without a foreign key constraint at table level ?
18.How do you define a mandatory column in forms 4.5 ?
19.How can i check for a duplicate key in a block?
20.What is a trigger ?
21.What are the levels at which triggers can be defined?
22.Why triggers are used?
23.What are various trigger groups? Describe functionality of each group.
27.When- triggers
28.Augment default processing
30.On- triggers
31.Replace default processing
32.Used primarily with non-oracle data sources
33.Pre- and post- triggers
34.Add processing before or after an event
35.Better to use navigational triggers
36.Key- triggers
37.Change default processing assigned to a specific key
38.Less useful in GUI environments
39.Here the questions like 'what are when-triggers used for? Give examples for when-triggers’ can be asked.
40.Questions depending upon functionality of triggers
44.Block processing
45.Fires in response to record management in a block
46.When-create-record, when_clear_block
47.GUI events
48.Fires in response to event happening in form interface
49.When-button-pressed, when-timer-expired
51.Fires during master-detail processing
53.Message handling
54.Fires when an error occurs or message is needed
55.On-error, on-message
57.Fires as oracle forms navigates internally through the object hierarchy
58.Fires at the end of a navigational sequence
59.Pre-block, pre-form, post-block, post-form, when-new-block-instance
60.Query time
61.Fires just before and after an operator executes a query
62.Pre-query, post-query
63.Here questions like when 'block processing triggers' are fired or which are navigational triggers etc. Can be asked.
64.What is the difference between pre-text-item trigger and on-new-item-instance trigger
65.What are types of triggers?
66.Which legal command can be used in user-defined triggers?
67.What are restricted built-ins? In which type of triggers are these disallowed?
68.While passing parameters to user-defined procedures, what is meant by positional parameter notation?
69.While passing parameters to user-defined procedures, what is meant by positional parameter notation?
70.What is next set?
71.List down atlas 5 system variables. E.g. System.last_record etc
72.How can you assign current date, current time, current date and time to an item ?
73.What are valid values for system Mode ?
74.How can you display only most severe messages while running a form? I.e. How message severity level can be set in a form
75.How can i suppress input of a text item ?
76.How can i add elements to a list item dynamically ?
77.How can i make the width or height of all items on a canvas uniform in forms designer
78.How can i align all items vertically on a canvas at the same time ?
79.What is locking_mode property for a block ? What are different values for it ?
80.How to attach lov to a text item programmatically ?
81.Can record group for a lov changed programmatically ?
82.What are various commit modes used in clear_block ?
83.What is a canvas ?
84.What is a content canvas view ?
85.What is a stacked canvas view ?
86.What will cause the entire contents of a stacked canvas view to be visible ?
87.How can i change the title of my runform window ?
88.How does a display item differ from a normal text item ?
89.Why do a get a null entry in my poplists at startup ?
90.How can i dynamically prevent the user from entering a new record ?
91.How can i dynamically make an entire block query-only at runtime ?
92.How can i change the color and font of an item dynamically at runtime ?
93.How can i have an item which acts like a disabled item , but is not grayed out ?
94.What exactly does 'query hits' and 'query options' mean in the context of a block ?
95.What is the difference between the block properties of array size and records buffered
96.What should i be using record groups for ?
97.When should i use globals vs parameters ?
98.How do i pass a record group from forms to reports or graphics ?
99.Can i access the contents of a record group within a user exit ?
100.If i want to create a procedure should i use a library, a database stored procedure or a local form procedure ?
101.How does the use of libraries affect the size of the .fmx file ?
102.How should i make a reference to a block in my library program units ?
103.How is SQL within PL/SQL dealt with by forms ?
104.How are the constants like insert_allowed and property_on dealt with by PL/SQL?
105.If a timer expires during a long running query when is it handled ?
106.If a repeat timer expires between a long query, does it repeat prior to being serviced by a when-timer-expired at the end of the query or does it wait for servicing before repeating ?
107.What is the difference between the following triggers :
108.Post-fetch vs. Post_query
109.Post-forms-commit vs. Post-database-commit
110.Pre-query vs. Pre-select
111.Is it possible to defer locking of a record until commit time ?
112.How can i get an image from a file to be stored in my database ?
113.Sometimes when i issue a call_form (.., No_hide) my first form is still hidden. Why
114.How can i determine which user interface i am using at runtime ?
115.How are menu roles handled in forms 4.5 ?
116.How can i specify my menu items so that they assume up the appropriate position for the GUI ?
117.What is the cause of the message :
118.Frm-10249: no authorization to run application
119.How do i upgrade application form which has referenced objects from library form forma ?
120.If i have a format mask of dd/mm/yy and type in a date without the slashes, why does this no longer show the correct date ?
121.After upgrading from SQL*forms 3.0 to forms 4.5, why do some of my fields truncate data ?
122.What does the forms45_defaultfont parameter control ?
123.If i upgrade from SQL*forms 2.3 to forms 4.5, what becomes of my v2 style triggers
124.Is the host() command under forms synchronous or asynchronous on windows
125.What gets loaded into memory when you run a form under windows ?
126.Why am i having problems changing the color of a button under windows ?
127.Can forms 4.5 call dll's on ms windows ?
128.Can i improve performance with any motif settings ?
129.How can i disable the blinking cursor to reduce network traffic ?
130.How can i change the look and feel of buttons under motif ?
131.How can i change the font in the trigger text window ?
132.How can you call one form from another?
133.What is the difference between call form, open form and new form?
134.What is the usage of global variables?
135.What is the difference between key_nextitem and post_nextitem?
136.What is validate source?
137.What is populate group query? What it will return?
138.How do you call reports through form?
139.What is reference object?
140.Whether you can change the path of a library?
141.What is new_item_instance?
142.Can you use global variables in record group?
143.What is autoconfirm property of lov?
144.How the errors are shown in forms?
145.What is savepoint?
146.What are property classes?
147.How you attach a form to menu?
148.How can you give parameters?
149.Can we have formula columns without return value?
150.What are visual attributes?
151.Can you change property class and visual attribute at run time?
152.What are the system variables, which can be modified by the user?
153.What can be the value of record status?
154.What is the difference between when_new_item_instance and pre_text_item?
155.How do i populate a poplist with a record group at runtime ?
156.If the first field of a form is required, and i want to tab out without entering any value, how do i do it ?
157.How do i call a backend stored procedure from forms ?
158.How do i handle stored procedure errors from forms ?
159.If i am calling a report from forms & if the report query is 'select * from emp' and dynamically at runtime i want to change it to 'select * from dept' can i do it ? How ?
160.If we have same triggers at multiple levels i.e. Form, block & item then what is the default order of firing of the triggers ?
161.Which trigger gets fired first : when new form instance or when new item instance ?
Forms 2.3
1. What are the differences between SQL forms 2.3 , 3.0 & 4.5
2. What are the events with which triggers can be associated
3. What are user exits
4. What was the most complicated form that you worked on
5. What are the different levels in form
6. What are the triggers which are written at form level
7. What is control block
8. What is default form
9. What is page 0. What is it used for
10. What are the attributes which are given to a field
Frequently asked questions in Apps
If Interviewer is Indian then he will ask more technical things
1) How to register Form , Reports
2) What happens to the form when u register
3) where u will keep the host source code
4) what is flex field
5) What is segment qualifier
6) what r global segments
8) what r context sensitive segments
10) How to implement Flex fields in forms , name the triggers & user exits
11) why is FND CURRENCY used in reports
12) What is the difference in Quick pick & quick code
13) What is auto reduction
14) What are special triggers created in the form when u register it
15) How will u display message for testing the form u modified
16) How can u see the global parameter values in the form without coding
17) How to debug the form
18) what was the structure of the accounting flexfield in previous project
19) What is balancing segment
20) What is cost center segment
21) Can u have two accounting Flexfields in AR
22) What are on-account sales credits
23) what is customer merging
24) What happens when u complete an invoice
25) What all things are stored in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX
26) What are chargebacks
27) What is lockbox
29) What is address validation
30) What is "Finance Charge"
31) How AR & OE are related
32) What Credit memo / Debit Memo
33) What is the link between CM & invoice ( column name )
34) What is set of books
35) What is address validation
36) how to find overdue invoices
37) What is accounting rule
38) what is invoicing rule
39) What is auto invoice
40) List the key flexfields in AR
41) which is the parameter set to validate keyflexfield value
42) What is dunning letter
43) What is profile
44) What is pick release
45) concurrent prg
46) what r the i/p for pick release
47) After which stage can not cancel the order
48) What is order cycle
49) Name important tables from OE /AR
50) Give the complete process cycle for OE / AR
51) Interface tables in OE/AR
Forms 2.3
1. What are the differences between SQL forms 2.3 , 3.0 & 4.5
2. What are the events with which triggers can be associated
3. What are user exits
4. What was the most complicated form that you worked on
5. What are the different levels in form
6. What are the triggers which are written at form level
7. What is control block
8. What is default form
9. What is page 0. What is it used for
10. What are the attributes which are given to a field
Frequently asked questions in Apps
If Interviewer is Indian then he will ask more technical things
1) How to register Form , Reports
2) What happens to the form when u register
3) where u will keep the host source code
4) what is flex field
5) What is segment qualifier
6) what r global segments
8) what r context sensitive segments
10) How to implement Flex fields in forms , name the triggers & user exits
11) why is FND CURRENCY used in reports
12) What is the difference in Quick pick & quick code
13) What is auto reduction
14) What are special triggers created in the form when u register it
15) How will u display message for testing the form u modified
16) How can u see the global parameter values in the form without coding
17) How to debug the form
18) what was the structure of the accounting flex field in previous project
19) What is balancing segment
20) What is cost center segment
21) Can u have two accounting Flexfields in AR
22) What are on-account sales credits
23) what is customer merging
24) What happens when u complete an invoice
25) What all things are stored in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX
26) What are charge backs
27) What is lock box
29) What is address validation
30) What is "Finance Charge"
31) How AR & OE are related
32) What Credit memo / Debit Memo
33) What is the link between CM & invoice ( column name )
34) What is set of books
35) What is address validation
36) how to find overdue invoices
37) What is accounting rule
38) what is invoicing rule
39) What is auto invoice
40) List the key flexfields in AR
41) which is the parameter set to validate keyflexfield value
42) What is dunning letter
43) What is profile
44) What is pick release
45) concurrent prg
46) what r the i/p for pick release
47) After which stage can not cancel the order
48) What is order cycle
49) Name important tables from OE /AR
50) Give the complete process cycle for OE / AR
51) Interface tables in OE/AR
1.Difference between oracle 6 and oracle 7
2.Why you call oracle server as a multi threaded processor
3.What is multi threaded architecture
4.What does SGA consists of
5.What does data dictionary contains
6.What does database link contains
7.How can you decide the size of rollback segment
8.What is optimal clause
9.Difference between primary key and unique key
10.Can you truncate a master table with a child table
11.What is the difference between truncate table and drop table
12.What are the oracle background processes
13.What is recoverer process
14.What is two phase commit
15.What is the cluster
16.What are the rowid contents
17.How can you chain the records
18.What is explain plan, Syntax
19.Type of indexes
20.What is shared pool
22.Privileges required to execute a stored procedure
23.What is checkpoint
24.What are the roles
25.Can any user take full import/export
26.Can you give a grant on particular column
27.Whether checkpoint process starts on its own? If not, how can you start it?
28.What is SMON
29.What are segment extents and data blocks?
30.How can you refresh a snapshot?
31.Can you update the view?
32.At what levels you can export the data?
33.What is dirty buffer?
34.What is the security mechanism of oracle?
35.What is relational database management system
36.What are physical structures and logical structures in oracle
37.What is the use of each of the structure
38.What is control file ? What are the contents of the control file
39.Which is the parameter of SGA, used to increase the performance of the query
40.What is PGA? What are the components of PGA
41.What is oracle instance
42.Which are the background processes which are mandatory for the dedicated server
43.What is multi-threaded architecture
44.What are the processes which are required for multi-threaded architecture
45.What is dedicated server
46.What is the difference between a dedicated server and multi threaded server
47.What are the contents of the data dictionary
48.What are the three prefixes attached to a user having similar type of information
49.What is dual table
50.What is the relation between data block, segment, extends
51.What is PCTFREE and PCTUSED
52.What is the format of a data block
53.How the segment is defined
54.What are different types of segments
55.When the temporary segment is used
56.What is the use of rollback segment
57.What is the relation between database, tablespace and data file
58.What are the contents of the system tablespace? When it is created
59.What is online and offline tablespace? When a tablespace is made offline
60.What are the different schema objects
61.What are different type of indexes
62.What is a view
63.What is rowid
64.What are the type of privileges
65.What is the user public
66.What are the predefined roles
67.Who can grant and revoke the role
68.What are the type of failures that can occur
69.What are the structures used for the recovery
70.What are the different methods of backups
71.What is the relation between data block, segment, extents
72.Which of the following are schema objects - datalinks(n),sysnonyms(y), index(y),
73.table(y), cluster(y),snapshot (y)
74.What is the initialization filename for a database. (initdbname.ora)
75.What are the minimum privileges reqd.
76.What is the difference between a user and a role
77.What is the use of explain plan
78.What is tkprof ?
79.What is SQL trace ?
80.What is the use of analyze statement
81.What is optimization hint
82.What are two optimization approaches
83.Which operations (carried out on a table) change the value of rowid
84.What are the objects that get dropped automatically when a table is dropped
85.How can you delete duplicate rows using rowid
86.What are the parameters to be defined in the configuration file for an instance.
87.What are the parameters to be defined to create new table space
88.What are the steps in creating a database from scratch
89.What is the difference between database triggers and packaged procedures.
90.What is the meaning of the INTERNAL account of the database administrator and where is it used.
91.Which is the configuration file for an instance
92.What are indexes and when should we use them?
93.What is the difference between commit, roll back and savepoint?
94.Which are the types of integrity constraints in oracle?
95.Can you write a single trigger for insert, update and delete?
96.What are type of joins?
97.What is the difference between a snapshot and a view
98.You need to create a table which is going to have say millions or rows. How do you go about designing it. ? What are the parameters which you can and should control ? ( he expected max extents , pctfree/pctused etc)
99.What are V2 and V3 triggers ? What is the difference.
100.Can you use PL/SQL in V2 triggers ? How, (if possible)?
101.Have you used tuning ? Explan Plan, Sqltrace, tkprof.
102.What is dirty memory
103.What is cluster index
1.What is %type and %rowtype?
2.What is packaged cursor?
3.In how many ways you can open the cursor?
4.What is block structure of a PL/SQL block?
5.What is exception handler?
6.How to define user defined exception?
7.Is there any general exception?
8.What is a transaction?
9.What are character conversion functions?
10.What type of information you can get from date format?
11.What is decode function?
12.What is PL/SQL table?
13.How the nulls are handled in PL/SQL?
14.What is array size max data parameter?
15.What are bind variables?
16.What is case structure used in PL/SQL?
17.Can you access the variables defined in the package by a function outside the scope of the package?
18.Can you pass parameters to cursor?
19.Can you pass parameters to a procedure?
20.What is a difference between procedure and function?
21.What is the difference between Packages and stored procedures ? Advantages of packages.
22.What is the difference between implicit and explicit cursors?
23.What is record type?
24.Can you use goto statement in PL/SQL?
25.What is the difference between implicit and explicit cursors?
26.What are types of loops?
27.How to compile a stored procedure?
28.What is the block structure of PL/SQL block
29.How PL/SQL is different than SQL
30.What are scalar type of datatypes
31.What are composit type of data types
32.What is a subtype
33.What is the structure of rowid
34.Whether the rowid of deleted is used for inserting other record
35.Whether you can use rowid in comparison statement in SQL
36.What is implicit data conversion
37.What is explicit data conversion
38.How can you convert a datatype explicitly
39.What are the values which can be assigned to Boolean variable
40.In how different ways you can assign a value to a variable in PL/SQL
41.Which are the functions, which returns some argument even if null argument is passed ( decode, nvl, replace)
42.What are error reporting functions
43.What is returned by a function userenv
44.What is PL/SQL table
45.Whether a size of the table can be defined at the declaration time
46.What is the datatype of primary key of a PL SQL table
47.What are the two steps to define a PL/SQL table
48.Can you initialize a PL/SQL table while making the declarations
49.Can you delete the records from PL/SQL table
50.What is a datatype record
51.What are conditional control statement
52.What are iterative constructs
53.Whether the exit statement is written inside the loop or outside the loop
54.What are sequential control statements( goto, null)
55.Whether the null statement passes control to next sequential statement
56.Can you pass a parameter to a cursor. What is the mode of the parameter that can be passed
57.What are the three mandatory operations in cursor management
58.Which the form of the cursor, where theses operations are made automatically
59.What are explicit cursor attributes
60.How cursor attributes can be referenced in case of implicit cursor
61.What is cursor loop . How it is different than other cursor
62.What is an alias ? What is used for?
63.What is database trigger
64.What is the difference between a SQL/forms trigger and a database trigger
65.What is the difference between a stored procedure and a database trigger
66.What are the different type of triggers ( each row, each statement)
67.What is an exception
68.What are the types of exceptions(user defined, predefined)
69.Give 4 predefined exceptions raised
70.How the user defined exceptions are fired
72.What is the difference between actual parameter and formal parameter
73.What are the different modes of the parameters
74.Can the package variables be referenced in an external stored procedure
75.How to implement user-defined exceptions
76.In how different ways you can assign a value to a variable in PL/SQL
77.What is the datatype of primary key of a PL SQL table
78.Can you initialize a PL/SQL table while making the declarations
79.What are conditional control statement
80.For which SQL statements is the implicit cursor opened.
81.Which is the form of the cursor, where these operations are made automatically
82.How cursor attributes can be referenced in case of implicit cursor
83.What are the types of exceptions(user defined, redefined)
84.How the user defined exceptions are fired
85.What is the block structure of PL/SQL block
86.Will 'before delete trigger' get fired if table is truncated.
87.What are the different modes of the parameters
88.Can we trap all the triggering events in a single trigger.
89.What are different types of loop constraints in PL/SQL?
1.What is SQL
2.What are the different type SQL statements( ddl. Dml, dcl, transaction control)
3.When does rowid change
4.What are synonyms
5.What is the difference between delete table and truncate table
6.What is & and && operators?
7.When the having clause is used
8.What is the difference between where clause and having clause
9.Is it mandatory to have a group by clause if, having exists
10.What are different date format models
11.How the data is stored in the database
12.What are set operators
13.What are row operators (distinct, all)
14.What is like, in and between operators
15.What is the information used to define a column in the table
16.What are diff dml statements
17.What is the use of dynamic SQL statement prepare and execute
18.What is the difference between a simple join and a outer join
19.What is minextends and maxextends
20.What are ttitle and btitle clauses
21.What is serveroutput setting
22.How to insert (') single quote as a value
23.Char datatype can be converted to how many types
24.What is instr function
25.How can a SQL script be executed automatically as soon as SQLplus is invoked
26.How to implement the break logic reports
27.What is the maximum no of chars a accept statement can acquire
28.How you specify column separators?
29.What is tabs table?
30.What is the max. length for variable name and value to be stored in it
31.What is the restriction on usage of & and && operators
32.How we display the generate timing data for SQL commands
33.With set autocommit on command, a PL/SQL block having multiple insert, update or delete statements is executed. Now if the script aborts in between, will all the changes be committed or none at all ?
34.What are the uid and user functions
35.What does the set escape command does
36.How to execute operating system commands from SQL plus
37.How we return a value while exiting the SQLplus
38.How to disable some roles for users (hint : product_user_profile)
39.What are the new values
40.What are the pseudocolumns
41.Which are the functions, which returns some argument even if null argument is passed ( decode, nvl, replace)
42.What are different date format models? Hoe the data stored in the database
43.How can we define a column in the table with all options
44.Give the usage of 'for - update'.
45.What is the difference between delete table and truncate table
46.Can we define a descending sequence
47.Whether the rowid of deleted is used for inserting other record
48.What is mutating table
49.What are synonyms
50.What are the new values
51.Give the usage of compute statement
52.What is SQL.pno
53.What are the following set operators used for - heading ,page,pagesize,feedback
54.What are ttitle and btitle clauses
55.What is serveroutput setting
56.In a column clause what are the options used for formatting
57.How we display the generate timing data for SQL commands
1.Which is the import/export privilege required
2.What is data export
3.What are different modes of import/export
4.What are the three ways to export data
5.What is the inctype parameter means
6.What is the order of data import
7.How do U importing snapshots
8.What are the three ways to export data
9.What is the inctype parameter means
10.What is the usage of parfile in export/import
1.What is SQL load
2.What are the files which are used in SQL*Loader?
3.What is delimiter
4.Can you load data in multiple tables
5.Can you filter data while loading
6.What is a bad record, rejected record and discarded record
7.What are the contents of the control file
8.What are the data paths used for loading
9.What is conventional path method
10.What is direct path method? State the disadvantages of the direct path
1.Can you have an or condition when you are linking 2 queries ? E.g. Query 1- deptno,ename,sal - query 2- salgrade,hisal,losal
2.If you then specified a link between sal and hisal, then another link between sal and losal this presumably would setup the report to show:
3.Where sal >= losal and sal <= hisal
4.But if you really wanted a report to show:
5.Where sal <= losal or sal >= hisal
6.You just can't change the signs around otherwise you would get:
7.Where sal <= losal and sal >= hisal
8.Which would return zero rows.
9.Can this be done ?
10.When i create a link between queries, does the link have to be an equi-join ?
11.What are the differences between lexical and bind parameters
12.What is a 'break group' and how do you create one ?
13.What is the difference in using a group filter vs maximum rows?
14.I have a report with approx. 16 queries. Each query is contained in it's own group frame in the layout. When i run the report, each group after the first page starts printing half way down the page. How do i fix this ?
15.Is there an easy way to have the odd page numbers appear on the right side of the report page and the even page numbers to appear on the left side of the report page so when you put the pages together like a book they will appear on the correct side ?
16.When doing a master detail report, the default layout creates a layout where the detail group is below and to the right of the master group.
17.Is there a setting i can change so that the detail objects are offset just a little bit to the right of the master group? We have a lot of reports with 4 or 5 deep master/details and currently have to move them all back manually ?
18.Can the cells of a matrix contain a dynamic number of values, so that the vertical/horizontal size of the cell is determined at runtime according to the number of values corresponding to this cell (of course the corresponding group with print direction down/across would also have to expand vertically/horizontally)?
19.Is there a way to change the same format mask in a lot of fields in one step?
20.What is a "printable area" and how can i view it? ?
21.The response time when making a change or moving an object in the layout editor is very slow. What can i do to improve performance?
22.Is it possible from the layout editor to see implicit anchors?
23.When exactly does the before report trigger fire?
24.Will the before report trigger be the first trigger fired? It appears so from the order the triggers are listed in the object navigator?
25.Does reports 2.5 support the concept of timers, like graphics? If so how? Would this be a function of the operating system batch process only?
26.What are the "tradeoffs" of using attached libraries vs local PL/SQL ?
27.Many of my program units are very SQL intensive. Would i get better performance if they resided on the server or client
28.How can i create an ASCII output file with oracle reports?
29.Can oracle reports2.5 actually pass Information to and/or create bar codes? If so how? If not,is a third party tool available that works in conjunction with reports2.5? (e.g.. For medical id bracelets)?
30.Can reports2.5 be used to create tape file format type reports (with header records, detail records, trailer records)
31.Is there any conversion utility that can be used to migrate from SQL*report(rpt) to oracle reports?
32.Is it possible to upgrade directly from SQL*reportwriter 1.1 to reports 2.5 ?
33.On windows during the same session if i print several reports from oracle forms each time r20run.exe is started. Is it possible to keep r20run.exe in memory similar to oracle graphics batch engine ?
34.What oracle.ini parameter is used on windows to search for any external files used by my report (e.g. Rdf/rep files,.SQL,.lib or image files) ?
35.What oracle.ini parameter is used on windows to redirect where temporary files are created ?
36.What type of ole2 support does reports 2.5 have ?
37.Must a run_product call always be handled by the reports server on ms-windows ?
38.How can i create an ASCII report that will print landscape?
39.Is pcl5 supported in reports 2.5? If not, when will it be supported?
40.Recently i had a customer asking about out postscript capabilities. They questions are:
41.If we generate postscript code ?
42.Using the wysiwyg editor, does the report print to a postscript printer exactly the way it looks on the screen?
43.Why don't i see the reports progress dialog box when a run_product to reports is issued from forms?
44.Why when calling a report from forms do you still get the parameter form with a destype=screen when the report was designed with a default value of destype=printer ?
45.Why does my embedded graphics display sometimes look unreadable ? It appears to have shrunken the size of the display to point where for the user it is unreadable.
46.How does one pass parameters (e.g. Data ranges) to reports2.5 running in batch mode?
47.Other than the database limits, does reports.5 have any type of query limits? I know about what the database can do and the operating systems specific things.
48.What guidelines are out there for setting up batch processing of reports so that it can be as operating system independent as possible? We need the ability, if desired, to move the application/batch processing from rs6000 aix to mvs and back!!
49.Are there any facilities to restart a report that was stopped in the middle of processing for whatever reason?
50.Is there anyway to programmatically disable the print button in the previewer?
51.Is it possible to at runtime programmatically maximize the previewer window and determine the x/y coordinates?
52.Is there any way in reports 2.0 or 2.5 to trap all errors in order to display your own error message, similar to the on-error and on-message triggers in forms ?
53.Do i need to install the product specific tables for reports ?
54.What are placeholder columns in report?
55.How do you print a character mode report?
56.In a break report how can you shift to next page in the same value?
57.Can you have dynamic report query? If yes, how?
58.How can you print in bold or compressed fashion?
59.What are SRW packages?
60.Can you include a PL/SQL block in another PL/SQL block.
61.How do suppress index using in a where clause
62.How do you get the sources of database processes
63.What are the pros and cons of basing a base table on a view rather than on a base table
64.What are triggers
65.What is a host array
66.What is an indicator variable.
67.What is dynamic SQL
68.When should one use and not use indexes
69.How do you develop a master detail report
70.What are the advantages of reports 2.0 over pro*c
71.What are the disadvantages of reports 2.0 over pro*c
72.Which is the most complex report that you have used.
73.What is anchoring ?
74.What are format triggers ?
75.What is a user exit ?
76.How can you increase the performance of reports ?
77.How you print a break report?
78.How do I call reports from forms ?
79.What are the various parameters of run_product built-in ?
80.What are lexical parameters ?
81.What is a complex report that you have done ?
82.What are the prerequisites of a matrix report ?
83.Can you call report from report? How if yes? If No Why?
84.How do you go about optimizing report? What all is required to be done?
If u are showing experience on paper in APPS then u may have to list
the modifications in the report , forms & justify the same
1. Differences between OraFin 10.5 and 10.6 ?
(a) What are the differen
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