Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How to register a report?
a) Register concurrent à Program à executable
b) Register concurrent à program à Define
c) Attach it to appropriate request group security à responsibility à Request
d) FTP RDF in respective top/report/US

2. How to CREATE a VALUE SET? What are the different types of value sets?
Enter Application à Validation à Set
Types of value set
a) Independent
b) Dependent
c) Table
d) Pair
e) SPECIAL DELIVERY translate dependent
f) Translatable independent

3. Name few types of execution method in concurrent program executable
a) Oracle reports
b) Sql * Plus
c) Host
d) Java stored procedure
e) Pl/sql stored procedure
f) SQL * Loader
g) Spawned
h) Java CCP
i) Multilanguage function
j) Immediate
k) Request set stage function

4. How to register a form?
a) Define Application à form
b) Define Application à function à give link to form defined in step I
c) Go to Application à menu à Attach function to menu
d) FTP from to AU_TOP, generate it and copy to respective TOP

5. What are the steps to develp a form>
a) Copy appstand.fmh, Template.FMB, required pll in local directory
b) Change the registry for pll path. Save template.fmb as the new form name from name and start developing the form
c) FTP form in AU_TOP and generate fmb using f60gen and copy.fmx in respective top/forms/us directory

6. what is the use of custom.pll?
Custom.pll is used for customizations such as form, enforcing business riles and disabling fields that are not required for site without modifying standard apps forms.

7. How to PROGRAMATICALLY submit the request?
a) with the help of standard API
Find_Request. Submit_request
8. What is request set?
With the help of request set we can submit several requests together using multiple execution paths. Its collection of concurrent programs like reports procedures grouped together.

9. What are user exists in reports? What are user exist available in apps?
a) A user exit is a program written and then linked in to the report builder executable user exist are written when content need to be passed from report builder to that pgm, which performs some function and then returns control to report builder.
10 What is the API used for file I/o operation ? or which API is used to write to request log and request output?
a) fnd_file.put_line (Fnd_file.log, ‘message’);
b) fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.out. ‘message’);

11. how do I programmatically capture application user_id?
Fnd_profile.value (‘user_id’) or fnd_global.user_id.

12. what are flexfields?
A flexfield is a field made up of segments . each segment has a name and a set of valid values. There are two types of ff’s: key ff, DFF

13. Which are the 2 parameters required to be defined when a program is registered as pl/sql stored procedure

14. can we register executable/concurrent program programmatically then how?
Yes we can. It can be done with standard package fnd_program, fnd_program.executable, fnd_program.register.

15. what changes need to be made if a setup is changed from a single org to multi org?
Org_id should be added as a parameter in a report and report should be run for specific org_id only

16. What are sub functions? How is it different from from?
A sub function is a securable subset of a forms functionally
a) forms appear in a navigator window and can be navigated to sub functions do not appear in the navigator window and cant be navigated to
b) forms can exist on this own sub functions can only be called by ____ embodied within a form, they cant exist on their own

17. what is message dictionary?
Message dictionary allows defining messages which can be used in application without hard coding them into forms or programs.

18. What is the token in concurrent à program à parameters window?
For a parameter in an oracle report program, they keyword is parameter specified here. The value is case sensitive for example P_CUSTOMER_NO

19. What are different validation defaults types and default value in current à program à parameter window?
a) constant
b) profile
c) SQL statement
d) Segment

20 I have a concurrent program that involves lot of inserts and updates on a huge basis where do I specify rollback segment etc
concurrent à program à session control

21. How do I change the priority of my concurrent program?
Log on as system admin concurrent à program à program à priority, enter numerical value in this field so it will take the request which has higher priority.

22. What is incompatibility?
When a program or list of programs is defined as incompatible means that defined program is not compatible with incompatible program list and cant run simultaneously in same conflict domain.

23. What is data group?
A data group defines the mapping b/w oracle applications and oracle ID’s. A data group determines oracle database accounts a responsibilities forms, concurrent programs, and reports connect to

1. What is the difference b/w subquery and correlated subquery?
a) In a normal subquery, the inner query is executed first and then the result are passed off to the parent query.
b) In a correlated subquery, the outer query is executed first and process each row, the subquery is using. The info supplies by the result of the outer query.

2. How to delete duplicate rows from a table?
Delete test t1 where rowed< (Select max(rowed) from test t2 where t2.col1 = t1.col and t2.col2 = t1.col1.

3. what are the types of database triggers?
Ro. Total no of database triggers are 12. They are
a) Row level : once for every row affected by the triggering statement such as a trigger fired by an update statement that updates many rows.
b) Statement level : once for the triggering statement, no matters be many rows it affects.
c) Before : before triggering statement is executed.
d) After: After triggering statement is executed.
e) Instead of : triggers provider a transparent way of modifying that cant be modified through DML statement.

4. what is mutating error on a table?
It happens when a trigger on a table tries to insert, update or ever select the table of where trigger is being executed.

5. What is synonym? What is view?
A synonym is an alias for any table, sequence, procedure function or package. It requires no storage other than its definitions in the data dictionary.
A view is stored query, from one or more tables.

6. What is database link?
A database link is a pointer that defines a one_way communication path from an oracle database server to another database server

7. What is a dynamic SQL?
DDL statement can’t be used within PL/SQL using “Execute Immediate”

8. What are set operator?
Set operators combine the result of two component queries into a single result queries containing set operator are called components queries
UNION : all rows selected by either query
UNION ALL : All rows selected by either query, including all duplicate
INTERSECT : All distinct rows selected by both queries
MINUS : All distinct rows selected by the first query but not the second.

9, What is savepoint?
Savepoint are intermediate markers within the context of a transaction savepoint divide a long transaction into smaller parts we then have to option later of rolling back work performed before the current point in the transaction but after a declared savepoint within the transaction.

10. What are the benefits of using package? Name few oracle supplied package
An entire package is loaded into memory when a procedure within the package is called for the first time. This load is completed in one operation, as opposed to the separate loads required for stand alone procedure. A package body can be replaced and recompiled without affecting the specification. Definition of procedure/variable can be private or public. For example I have 5 procedure out of 3 procedures can be used by a DBMS_SQL, DBMS_JOB, UTL_FILE.

11. What is deadlock?
A deadlock can occur when two or more user are waiting for data locked by each other. Deadlocks prevent some transactions from continuing to work.


1. What is bind variable and lexical variable?
Bind variable in report are parameters that are referenced with a colon in front of them, for example, :P_customer_no. This is considered a Bind reference. If you reference the same parameter proceeded by an ampersand, as & p_customer_no. Then its considered to be a lexical reference. A bind paramerter can only contain one value, while a lexical parameter can replace an entire clause example order by where clause.

2. What is the use of n anchor in the report?
Anchors are used for determining the vertical and horizontal positioning of a child object relative to its parent.

3. What is placeholder column?
Placeholder column datatype and a value can be set in PL/SQL like reports triggers or formula column.

4. What is a data link?
Data link relate the results of multiple queries. A data link causes the child query to be executed once for instance of its parent group.

5. What are the report triggers?
a) Report triggers execute at specific times during the execution and formatting of your report
b) After parameter from trigger
c) After report trigger
d) Before parameter form trigger
e) Before report trigger
f) Between pages trigger.

6. What is the validation trigger in report parameters property
Validation triggers are executed when parameter values are specified on the command line and when u accept the runtime parameter form. This is used for validating parameter foe example “Todate” can’t be earlier than “from date” etc.

7. What is confine mode?
In layout model if confine mode is on child objects can’t be moved outside their enclosing parent object and when it is off child object can be moved outside their enclosing parent objects. Toolbar it shows locks symbol.

8. What is flex mode?
In layout model when it is on parent borders “stretch” when child object are moved against them. And when it is off parent borders remain fixed when child object are moved against them.


1. What are alert in D2k forms?
An alert is a model window that displays a message notifying of some application condition. For example, do you want to save changes? Are you sure u want to exit? Or customer name can’t be bland ….

2. What is property class?
A property class is an object that contains a list of properties and their settings. Other objects can be based on property class. An object based on a property class can inherit the setting of any property in the class that makes sense for that object.

3. What is the difference b/w property class and visual attribute?
Visual attributes only for the visual properties of the item like font, color, whereas property class is for all the possible properties of objects.

4. What is an LOV?
LOV is a scrollable popup window that provides the use with selection list.

5. What are record groups and what are its types?
a) A record group is an internal form builder data structure that has a column/row framework similar to a database table.
b) Query record group – associated select statement
c) Non query Record group – doesn’t have query but can be changed programmatically.
d) Static record group – cant be changed programmatically.

6. What is restricted built_ins?
Any built_ins subprogram that initiates navigation is restricted. This includes subprograms that move the input focus from one item to another and those that involve database transactions. Restricted build_ins are not allowed in trigger that fire in response to internal navigation.

7. What are categories of trigger?
a) block – processing triggers. Related to record mgmt in a block eg: when clear block.
b) Interface event triggers : interface event triggers fire in response to events that occur in the form interface eg: when button pressed. When checkbox changed.
c) Master_detail triggers : from builder generates master/detail triggers automatically when a master/detail relation is defined b/w blocks. This is to enforce co-ordination b/w 2 blocks. For example, on clear details.
d) Message handling triggers : message handling triggers fire in response to default messaging events. To trap or recover an error. Eg on_error, on_message
e) Navigational triggers : navigational triggers fire in response to navigational events. For instance clicking on a text item from another block eg: pre block, post text item, when new item instance.
f) Query_item trigger : Eg; pre query and post query
g) Transactional triggers : Fire in response to events that occur as a form interacts with the database. Eg: on_delete, pre_commit
h) Validation trigger : when form validated data in item or record e: when validate item.

8. What is the sequence of events fired while cursor moves from an item from i1st block to an item in 2nd block?
When validate item of that item A
Post_text_item of A
When validate record
Post record
Post block
Pre block
Pre record
Pre text item
9. what are types of canvas?
a) Content : The default specifies that the canvas should occupy the entire content area of the window to which it is assigned.
b) Stacked : Specifies that the canvas should be displayed in its window at the same time as the window’s content canvas. They are usually displayed programmatically and overlay some portion of the content view displayed in the same window
c) Vertical toolbar canvas : specifies that the canvas should be displayed as a vertical toolbar under the menu bar of the window.
d) Horizontal toolbar canvas : specifies that the canvas should be displayed as a horizontal toolbar at the left side of the window to which it is assigned.

10. How do I attach menu to a form?
Form à properties à functional à menu source à File
Forms à Properties à functional à menu module à name of menu (main menu

1. What are 2 types of data blocks object?
a) Data blocks : data blocks are associated with data within a database. Data blocks can be based on database table, views, procedure or transactional triggers.
b) Control blocks : in contrast a control block is not associated with the database and the item in or control block do not relate to table columns within a database.

2. How do I dynamically change the title of window?
a) set_window_property built-in

3. Name few system variables in forms?
A system variable is a form builder variable that keeps track of an internal form builder state. For example, system.Block_status, system, mode, system.from_status.

1. How to attach reports in oracle application?
The steps are as follows:
a) Design you report
b) Generate the executable file of the report.
c) Move the executable as well as source file to the appropriate products folder.
d) Register the report as concurrent executable
e) Define the concurrent program for the executable registered
f) Add the concurrent program to the request group of the responsibility

2. What are different report triggers and what is their firing sequence?
There are fiver report trigger:
a) Before report
b) After report
c) Before parameter form
d) After parameter form
e) Between pages
The firing sequence for report trigger is
Before parameter form – After parameter form – before report – between pages – after report.

3. What is the use of cursors in PL/SQL? What is REF Cursor?
The cursor is used to handle multiple row query in PL/SQL. Oracle uses implicit cursors to handle its queries. Oracle uses unnamed memory spaces to store data used in implicit cursors, with REF cursors you can define a cursor variable, which will point to that memory space and can be used like pointers in our 3GL’s

4. What is record group?
Record group are used with LOV’s to hold SQL query for your list of values. The record group can contain static data as well it can access dates from database tables through sql queries

1. What is flexfield? What are DFF& KFF?
In oracle application field made up of segments each segment has Assigned name and a set of valid values .oracle application uses flexfield to capture into about your organization

2. What are Autonomous Transaction? Give Scenario where you have used Autonomous transaction In your report ?
An Autonomous transaction is an independent transaction started by another transaction , the main transaction ,Autonomous transaction lets you suspend the main transaction do SQL operations ,commit or rollback those operation then resume the main transaction Once started an autonomous transaction fully independent .It shares no locks ,resources .or commit dependencies with the main transaction so ,you can log events increment retry counters ,and soon even if the main transaction rolls back More important, Autonomous transaction help you build modules reusable software component . for example Stored procedures can start and finish autonomous transaction there own .A calling application need not know about a procedures autonomous operations, and the procedures need not know about the application transaction content.
Scenario: you can use autonomous transaction in your report for writing error message in your database table.

3. What is the use of trigger in the form?
Triggers are used in forms for event handling u can write PL/SQL code in trigger to respond to a particular event occurred in your forms like when user presses a button or when he commits the form
The different types to triggers available I forms are
a)Key Trigger
b)Navigational Trigger
c)Transaction triggers
d)Message Triggers
e)Error triggers
f)Query triggers

4. What is the use of temp table and interface table ?
Temporary table are used in I/F programs to hold the intermediate data. The data is loaded into temporary first and then after validation through the PL/SQL program, the data is loaded into the interface table

5. What are the steps to register concurrent program in APPS?
The steps to register the concurrent prom in APPS are follows
a)Register the prom as concurrent prom for the executable
b) Define the concurrent prom for the executable registered
C)Add the concurrent program to the request group of the responsibilities

6. How to pass parameters to a report ? Do you have to register them with AOL?
U can define parameters in the define concurrent prom form there is no need to register the parameters with AOL .But you may have to register the value sets for those parameters
Do you have to register feeder program of interface to AOL?
Yes, U have to register the feeder program as concurrent prom to APPS

7. What are the forms customization steps
Steps are as follows
a)Copy the “Template fmb”1 and “Appstand.fmb” from AU_top/Forms/us. Put it in custom directory .
the Libraries(FNDSQF,APPCORE,APPDAYPK,GLOBE,CUSTOM,JE,JA,VERT)are automatically attached
b)Create/open new forms .then customise
c)save this form in corresponding module.

8. How to use flexfield In report?
There are two ways to use flexfield in reports one is to use the views(table name+`_kfv`or `_dfv`) created by apps, and use the concatenated segment column that holds the concatenated segments of the key or descriptive flexfield
To use the FND user exits provided by apps

9. what is KFF, DFF?
KFF : # unique identifiers, storing key into # used for entering and displaying key into
For example oracle general uses a KFF called Accounting flex field to uniquely identify a general account.
DFF : # to capture additional info # to provide expansion space on your form with the help of []. [] represents DFF

10 Difference b/w KFF and DFF

Unique identifiers
To capture extra info
KFF are stored in segments
Stored in attributes
For KFF there are FF qualifier and segment qualifiers
Context_sensitive ff is a feature of dff. (DFF)


1. Will you attach reports in apps?
2. How will you attach forms in apps?
3. what is the use of token in reports?
4, what are various execution methods in reports?
5. How will you get set of books id dynamically in reports?
By using profile option called GL_SET_Of_Books_id
6. How will u capture AFF in reports?
By using user exits
7. What are dynamic insertion?
8. What is code combination Id?
9. Custom.Pll various events in custom.PLL
Zoom_available, custom.standard, Custom.event.
10. When u defined concurrent program u defined in compatibilities
what is the meaning of incompatibilities
simultaneously cant allow running programs
11. What is hierarchy of multi_org?
Business groups à sob à le à operating unit à inv organisation

12. What is difference b/w org_id, organisation_ID
ORG_ID is an operatin unit
Organisation_ID is inventory organisation.

13. What are profile options?
Defines the way application behaves ( more than 200 types)
14. Value set. And validation types
value set define suitable values for your segments
table, none, dependent, independent, special, pair
15. What is flexfield qualifiers?
Additional properties for your segment
16. What is your structure of AFF?
17. How will u enable DFF?
18. How many segments are in AFF?
Minimum, maximum
19. What are user exits?
20. When u defined CCP there is one checkbox use in SRS what is meaning of this suppose I do now want to call report through SRS how will I call report then?
SRS:= (Standard Request submission)
21. What is difference b/w request group and data group?
Request group : group is set of CCP and request sets
Data Group : integrates all your oracle apps modules

22. What is meaning of $flex $dollar
using this we call a value set with another value set.


TRIGGERS: is a Stored Procedure that is fired when a DML operation is performed.
Types: before, after, for each row, for each statement
Instead of Triggers: This trigger is defined on a view rather than on a table.

INDEX: It is a database object used to improve the performance of data retrieval.

VIEW: It is a virtual table based on the actual table.

PACKAGE: is a PL/SQL construct that allows related objects to be stored together. Contains package specification and body. Ex: DBMS_SQL, DBMS_JOBS

FUNCTION: is a object that takes one or more arguments and returns only one value.

PROCEDURES: Can return more than one parameters. Function always returns one value whereas procedure may or may not return a value.

TYPES OF BLOCKS: 1.Anonymous 2.Named 3.Subprograms (Procedures, Functions) 4.Triggers


Insert --- - Before - -- each row
Update ------ After ---
Delete --- _ - -- statement level

PURITY LEVEL: What data structure the function can read or modify is based on purity level.
WNDS -> No Database State WNPS -> Write no package State

DELETE DUPLICATE ROWS: Delete from emp where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from emp group by empno);

EXCEPTIONS: is an identifier in PL/SQL that is raised during the execution of block that terminates its main body of actions 1.Oracle error occurs 2.User defined error

Function for trapping the user defined exception: sqlcode & sqlerrm

USERDEFINED EXCEPTION: sql%notfound, Raise exception


PL/SQL CURSOR: Two types 1.Implicit 2.Explisit
In order to execution of sql statement Oracle will allocate some memory area called as context area.
Cursor is pointer to this context area.
Cursor Attributes:


%TYPE provides datatype of variable or a database column to that variable.
%ROWTYPE provides record type that represents an entire row of a table or view or column selected in the cursor.

PRAGMA: Tells the compiler to associate an exception with an Oracle error.

NORMALIZATION: is the process of removing redundant data from relational tables by splitting it to smaller tanbles.

DATAGROUP: is a collection of modules which can integrate with each other through transfer reference and reporting data.

SELF JOIN: Join the table with itself.

EQUI JOIN: Joining two tables by equating two common columns.

NONEQUI JOIN: Joining two tables by NOT equating two common columns.

OUTER JOIN: Joining 2 tables so that the query can retrieve rows that do not have corresponding join value in the other table. (+ is included in the join)

SUBQUERIES: is a query who's return values are used in filtering condition of the main query.

CORRELATED SUBQUERIES: is a query that has the reference to the main query.

INSTR: Returns the n th position.

SUBSTTR: returns character.

CARTESIAN: results from fault query, it is a row in the result.

BIND VARIABLES: are variables to which we can pass data at runtime either character or number.

COMPOSITE DATATYPES: are Table/record/nested table/varray also known as collections. And has internal components that can be manipulated individually.


1.Internal Manager 2.Standard Manager 3.Conflict Resolution Manager 4.Specialized concurrent Manager.


Application Program: Application
Executable name: Name of the registered Executable
Executable Application: Name of the app where executable ins registered.

Executable Name: Name of the executable.
Application: Name of the executable application.
Short Name: Short name of the exe
Execution Method: 'Flex Rpt' 'Flex SQL' 'Host' 'Immediate' 'Oracle Reports' 'PL/SQL stored procedure' 'Sql*loader' 'Sql*Plus' 'Sql*report'
Execution File Name: Regd. for all but immediate prog.

Name: Submit Request
Application: Short name for the application under which the program is registered.
Program: Concurrent program name for which the request has to be submitted.


CONCURRENT MANAGER: runs concurrent process allowing multiple tasks simultaneously.

CONCURRENT PROCESS: runs simultaneously with other tasks to help complete multiple tasks at once without interruption.

GENERAL AIM: AIM 10, 20, 30, 40 -> DBA

AIM 50 -> Automatic column mapping
AIM 60 -> Manual column mapping
AIM 70 -> Default values, data assignments to be included.
AIM 80 -> Unit Testing & results of UAT
AIM 90 -> Coding

IF -> Interface, RD -> Requirement Definitions, BR -> Business requirement,
MD -> Module Design, CV -> Conversion

PROCESSING CONSTRAINTS: Restricting particular responsibility on an entered information.

PROFILE LEVEL: 1.Site 2.Application 3.User 4.Responsibility

KEY FLEX FIELDS: A flexible data field made up of segments, each segment has a name we define and a set of values that we specify.

DESCRIPTIVE FLEX FIELD: A flexfield that our organization can customize to capture additional information regd. by our business.

CV 10 -> Define Conversion Scope, objectives and approach
CV 20 -> Prepare Conversion Strategy
CV 30 -> Prepare Conversion Standards
CV 40 -> Prepare Conversion Statements
CV 50 -> Perform Conversion Data Mapping
CV 60 -> Define Manual Conversion Strategy
CV 70 -> Design Conversion Programs
CV 80 -> Prepare Conversion Test Plans
CV 90 -> Develop Conversion Program
CV 100 -> Perform Conversion Unit Test
CV 110 -> Perform Conversion business objects Tests
CV 120 -> Perform Conversion Integration Tests
CV 130 -> Install Conversion Software
CV 140 -> Convert & Verify Data


Registering Forms:
We Take Template from .fmb table from AV_TOP/11.50/Forms/us
Goto Application-Register-Register it
Goto Application -Function Give
Function User Function Give
Click on Form Tab.
Function Form Application
Than goto Application- menu & give submenu function description.
Change responsibility to
Security- Define -User
GLOBAL VARIABLE in forms is declared in when new forms instance
Trigger for LOV in forms : Key-list-value
FORM MODULES : 4 types- 1)Alerts 2)Form Modules 3)Menu modules 4) PL/SQL libraries
Order of TRIGGER FIRING : When new form instance pre-form, when-new-block-instance, when new item interface post form
OBJECT LIBRARY : can be used to store function, procedure, package.
ATTACHED LIBRARY : is used to avoid any change in source code
FNDFFMDC-Descriptive Flexfield segment
GLXSTBKS-Set of books
GLXSTCAL-Accounting calendar
Alert is a model window which has predefined manager

3 types of Reports-SQL,RDF,RXI
2 Parameters in the reports - 1)user (Lexical, Bind) 2) system
LEXICAL PARAMETERS: Are always Characters type used with the where clause used to facilitate the range parameters i.e., if the wishes to se a list of invoices between two given dates.
DECODE : To Achieve dynamic column order or column constant, we use decode statement in reports
FORMAT TRIGGER/ANCHOR : Allows a developer to show or hide objects using PL/SQL I the simplest form a trigger can be placed on certain columns to show or hide based on user parameters
If two reports differ by say one col the decode statement con be used to consolidate these two reports into one
TOKEN :For user parameters we define a token

CUS_TOP/REPORTS?US-Object script
GOTO Application Developer
Concurrent -Define Executable.
Give Execution Method -Oracle Reports
Executio filename
Attach the executable to the Application
Click on parameters window
Give seq.parameters & Token
Types of Reports generated-HTML,PCL,PDF
post script, Text& HTML.
CUSTOM REPORTS : Made use of PRIS(Property records information system)which is PACE existing Asset accounting system .An ASCII file will be extracted from PRIS balance after all the month end processing is done for the business period prior to conversion. All the data will be extracted from the legacy source file to load into oracle fixed Asset using interface program FA_MASS_ADDITIONS. The Table that receives data in Orapps are FA_MASS_ADITIONS FA_CATAGORIES FA_LOCATION FA_ASSET_KEY_WORDS. which is used to regenerate reports

5TRIGGER in the reports : Before report ,After report before parameters ,After parameters form between pages.

COLUMNS :Summary Column, Formula & Place holders columns
POXPOBPS: Blanket Purchase Order Status Report.
Parameters : PO Numbers from to
Buyer Name Vendors From to
Sort by PO Number Or Buyer
POXPOSTD: PO Detail Report.
Title, Buyer Name, Items from to
PO Number From to Vender
Status : Approved Or in process
User Exit -A user exit is a function written in a 3rd Generation Language Like C, Cobol, FORTRAN Etc, to do special purpose processing which is linked into the SQL* Forms Executable files SQL Statements and Pl/SQL Block can be embedded into a user exit
When the user exit gets called from the from by a SQL* from trigger, processing control is temporarily paused onto the user exit when a user exit is done, it reaches an integer value to the SQL* from which indicates success, failure or Fatal error.
Types of Reports

Master detail
Mailing Label

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